Salman Khan did a great job as Radhe, he never disappoints and made an impactful performance in this movie. The director, Prabhu Deva, is just commendable. He has a cameo in this movie, as a director, directed this movie, and also he was the director of Pokiri. Ayesha Takia with her innocence and expressions has won many hearts. The performance of the actors was the most prominent reason for the success of the movie.
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The important thing to understand here is that the end result of what these two businesses - Netflix and Blockbuster - sold is exactly the same - I sit in my lounge room and watch a movie or TV series on my television.
In the past year, I have conducted a project with my composition studentscalled The Ball State Writing Workshop Project. The project consists ofsupplementing my traditional writing classroom with consistent computer-assistedactivities. Students email each other and meet on the real-time MOO (Multi-userdimension, Object-Oriented) to discuss their reading and writing; theyconference one-to-one with me over the asynchronous and synchronous media; andthey meet with graduate writing tutors using both types of correspondence. Ofcourse, any additional exercise which engages students in study and dialogueabout their writing can be beneficial, but I have found that online writingconferencing offers a new advantage to writing instruction that combinesattributes of learning which, to my knowledge, have never before come together.The online classroom fosters a form of written metacognition that is extremelyvaluable for first year students, and the text that online discussion producesserves as a concrete, analytical map of the learning that takes place.
They discuss their written projects with tutors, which helpsthem improve individual projects; they engage in metacognitive discourse(writing about writing), which is usually a complex activity for freshmen butbecomes surprisingly natural online; and they conduct all correspondence withcybertutors in writing. Students automatically combine oral conversation andargumentative skills with un-apprehensive writing. . . . They describe, explain,and argue with their peers, and they discover information about their topics asnaturally in writing as they would in speech. But the conversation is notspeech; it is writing. (English, 'Gorgian' 9)
Richard, a freshman writer who I conferenced with in the Ball State WritingWorkshop Project, was asked to write an 'analysis paper' on a movie. He decidedto analyze the movie Up Close and Personal, because he was interested inbroadcast journalism as a field and wanted to contrast his knowledge of the reallife field with the movie's presentation of the field. He sent me a draft of hispaper, which amounted to a simple summary of the movie, not at all an analysis.Richard realized that his paper was thin and missing some critical elements, buthe was lost as to what those elements were. At the end of his e-mailed paper, hewrote to me, 'I'm lost now, what else do I talk about...I feel like I was justsummarizing the that right?' In my email response to Richard, Iencouraged him,
You claim that you're 'lost' now, but I don't think you're lostat all. What you've done so far is a summary, and it is a very nice, completesummary. Very nice work. . . Now that you've summarized the movie and gottenyour audience familiar with what goes on in it, it is time that you make the bigpoint that you want to make about the movie. From here, you would begindiscussing the different points about the movie that were wrong about Broad.Journ. This is where you, as an 'expert' about the field, can be really informyour readers that, if they want to see a love story, this is it; but if theywant to see a broadcast journalism story, this ain't it.
Roach says, 'well, I wanted to expand more on real broadcastversus the movie...and I also wanted to discuss the love of Redford (WarrenJustice) and Pfieffer (tally atwater)...I wanted to talk more about if theyloved each other or if their loved what each other did' Joel says, 'wow! Thatsounds very intriguing.' Joel says, 'Then, talk to me about each ofthe two issues for a minute. I'm gonna sit back and sip on my coffee for aminute, and you just talk on about 1) the fact that there is a different betweenreal broadcast and the movie, and 2) what you see going on between warren andTally that might indicate whether they love each others' jobs or selves.'Joel sips. Roach says, '1)The movie is set in a fantasyworld of journalism. If I were a young jr. college dropout, I don't think Iwould be able to find someone to tutor me as intensively as warren did tally. Myfear is that after seeing this movie people are gonna say 'That's what I want tobe' and miss all other important information about the career. These peoplewon't understand the hard work involved'Roach gets off his soap box Joel puts Richard back up ontohis soap box for a moment Roach takes a deep breath Joel sips and waits for more orationRoach says, '2) At the beginning of the story they were in love witheach others work. I couldn't tell the difference between their love when theywere married versus when they first met. Maybe I'm just warped but I think withthe broadcast setting they never would have matched. But I guess that's the wayit is in any relationship :)'Roach says, 'I mean with OUT the broadcast setting'Joel says, 'So you're saying that without the career binding themtogether, they were not a compatible couple, and they therefore wouldn't havegotten together?'Roach says, 'correct.' 2ff7e9595c